"A new reforestation approach, rooted in science, to increase carbon sequestration in trees & soil.”

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Trees, Science, and People

In May 2021, The Carbon Community launched a ground-breaking field trial designed to maximise carbon drawdown in trees and soil. The study involves 25,600 trees including native broadleaf and conifer and two nature-based solutions, soil microbiome inoculation and basalt addition.

The study is designed and run in partnership with leading scientists from ETH Zürich Crowther Lab; Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation at the University of Sheffield; The Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London; and The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Building on this study, Masters and PhD students from Bangor University, Swansea University, Sheffield University and the University of Oxford have conducted research at The Carbon Community’s site in Carmarthenshire.

Over 100 citizen scientists have also joined us to learn new techniques, measure the trees and learn more about the environment.

That’s our unique combination of trees, science & people.
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Man holding sticks in field

A unique facility in Wales

Our field trials are nestled in Glandwr Forest near Llandovery, Wales. This unique facility is home to a growing community of scientists studying trees, soil and the climate.

Over the last three years, we have welcomed Masters and PhD students from Bangor University, Swansea University, Imperial College, Sheffield University and the University of Oxford who have been able to conduct experiments for their dissertations as well as gather valuable field-trial experience.

“Really excited to be planning our next Masters Students’ visit to The Carbon Community, this is a genuinely useful science project, essential to understanding how to combat climate change, and we're really pleased to have it here in Wales!”
Professor Iain Robertson, Swansea University.

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What’s happening!

Rare Species
Each spring we have been gifted cuttings of rare black poplar. The cuttings are carefully planted in March / April and we are delighted to watch them thrive!

Community Science Volunteering
Citizen science, sometimes called community science, is where people can help scientists in their work by taking measurements. Find out how you can come and get involved in our Carbon Study!
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Hands holding healthy soil

“This is an important world-first field trial which measures carbon sequestered in trees and soil on a scope and scale not seen before. ”

Dr Colin Averill, 
ETH Zürich, Crowther Lab

“This exciting new partnership enables us to understand basalt addition in a reforestation project, including the potential carbon sequestration when co-deployed with forest microbiome restoration.”

Professor David Beerling, 
Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation University of Sheffield

“It is very exciting to be able to conduct a trial of this scale so we can understand the impact of basalt addition and soil microbiome inoculation on tree survival, tree growth, and the soil.”

Dr Bonnie Waring, 
The Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London

“Over the course of the project we will be examining mycorrhizal fungi in soils, sapling and tree roots, this will give us much better insight into the role soil inoculation can play in reforestation projects across the UK.”

Dr Laura M. Suz, 
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

“This is a unique field trial which will help to advance our understanding of the combined impact of both basalt addition and soil microbiome inoculation on carbon sequestration.”

Professor Martin Bidartondo, 
Imperial College London & The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

“This is a large piece of careful science using up and coming but largely untested mechanisms in addition to the planting of trees. There is huge potential for the co-deployment of these mechanisms, basalt addition and mychorrizal fungi inoculation, which is why a study of this scale is so important.”

Professor Pete Smith, 
Scottish Climate Change Centre of Expertise, University of Aberdeen

“Without real-world experimentation, like that at Glandwr, the storage of carbon in forests will remain uncertain and our policies will remain prone to adverse outcomes.”

Professors Rob Jackson and Rob MacKenzie, 
Birmingham Institute of Forest Research

“With this unique project we aim to restore biodiversity, enhance tree survival and unlock huge potential to accelerate and enhance the carbon stored in trees and soil.”

Charles Nicholls 
Co-Founder and TrusteeThe Carbon Community
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